January 14, 2013

Happy New Years 2013 wishes from the village clinic!

Weight Loss

January is a great time to start on our weight loss program and join the men and women who have had great success losing unwanted pounds in a healthy way!

Allergy Season Approaches!

Now is the perfect time for you to treat your allergies, prior to allergy season.  NAET is a very gentle way to effectively reduce allergy symptoms, for you and your children.  To learn more about NAET visit www.naet.com.

Onion Cough Syrup!

Because it is very much requested, here is the recipe:

Cut up white or yellow onions in thin slices.
Place in layers in glass jar with organic sugar or honey.
Seal.  Let sit for 3 hours.
Use syrup, 1-2 teaspoons, as cough syrup or sore throat aid.

We are as ever striving to improve community health, one person at a time!

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