November 23, 2012

Dialogues of the Deaf

“Listen to all the conversations of our world, between nations as well as between individuals. They are, for the most part, dialogues of the deaf.” Dr. Paul Tournier

This statement written 45 years ago is more accurate today than it was in 1957.  Even Dr. Tournier could not have imagined how our communication has failed to keep up with our supposed modernity.  The IPhone, facebook, twitter, Internet chat rooms all create the illusion of intimacy without the substance of truly hearing.

Hearing the story of another person is one of the blessings of our shared humanity.  Our life stories are full of joy, sadness, mystery and wonder.  When we take the time and effort, yes effort, to truly listen and to hear we are often awestruck with the resilience and strength of our fellow travelers.

When we are too anxious to make our own point… when we are too eager to defend ourselves from perceived attack…when we are too busy to be bothered…when we are too distracted by the business of our own lives… we miss out on this great privilege.

What would it cost us to put all this aside and simply listen with a heart open to the beauty of another’s story?  The time, the patience, the choice would be well worth it when we experience another’s gratefulness for having been truly heard.  It would be well worth it when we experience renewed courage to reflect honestly on our own lives.  It would be well worth it.

Graeme Swan, Counsellor

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